Our Redeemer North Geelong
- Ballarat Rd

Join us Sunday for worship! 

Find and like us on Facebook during the COVID19 restriction period.  

Come and experience Jesus' love and faithfulness and stay afterwards for a cuppa and a chat.  Together, we get to know Christ so that we can make him known.  We always have things to learn and share with each other, and we are all on this journey of faith together.  Everyone is welcome, we are all children of God.

The front of the church is at 60 Ballarat Road, Hamlyn Heights. 
The rear of the church is on Stoddart Street,
which is quieter and has better parking.

60 Ballarat Rd. North Geelong 3215
Phone: (03) 5278 2443
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Pastor: N/A 

Crying room at the rear, baby change table in disabled toilet.

'To know Christ and make Him known'